Group Spiritual Direction
Three conditions are essential to the life of the group. Members must agree to commit themselves to 1) an honest relationship with God; 2) wholehearted participation in the group process through prayerful listening and response; and 3) opening their spiritual journeys to the consideration of others. (Rose Mary Dougherty. Group Spiritual Direction: Community for Discernment)
Commitment Before Each Monthly Session
Pray for each person in the group as the Lord leads you.
Be consistent in whatever practice seems best to reflect and honor your unique relationship with God at this time, perhaps journaling about what you perceive, sense, or want concerning your attention to God and the way God seems to be dealing with you in all facets of your life. It could be helpful to notice things such as: ​​
the way you sense God involved in your life, your resistance to God or areas where you shut out God, etc.
your desire for God, your desire to desire God,
the persons and circumstances that seem to draw you to God/connect you to God or to the meaning or the hope for your life,
Before coming to the group, spend time in prayer, reflecting on your prayer and your journaling since the last meeting, asking for a sense of what is to be shared. Allow for the possibility that something entirely different may show itself in the actual moment of your sharing.
Come as early for the group as you wish but be prepared to start on time. Since some people might be using the room for prayer
Adapted from: Rose Mary Dougherty. Group Spiritual Direction: Community for Discernment
Groups of spiritual direction are often of 2-3 participants and a facilitator.
Sessions are 75-minutes long for groups of 2 participants and of 105-minutes long for groups of 3 participants.
Participate in 10 meetings in one calendar year.
Meetings take place once a month or every other week.
If you are interested in a group, please, complete the information below. I will contact you soon.